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efsli AGM Invitation

Bijgewerkt op: 6 apr 2023

Beste leden,

Onderstaande agenda ontving het bestuur als Full Member van efsli. Wij delen deze informatie graag met jullie, maar hebben de bijbehorende documenten niet bijgevoegd. Wil je deze wel ontvangen, mail dan even naar

Uiteraard zal deze online AGM gevolgd worden door een delegatie van ons bestuur.

Dear Full Members,

Our official Annual General Meeting (AGM) will take place on 1st April 2023, below the agenda:

efsli online AGM - AGENDA

1st April 2023

10:00am - 12:00pm (CET)

  1. Welcome and introduction

  2. Compositions of the Bureau (chair, minute-taker)

  3. AGM procedures explained + voting system

  4. Overview of the minutes of the AGMs held on 12th March and on 14th May 2022. Notes from 4th March 2023

  5. Approval of the 2022 accounts and 2021 financial report

  6. Approval of the 2023 budgets

    1. With grant

    2. Without grant(s)

  1. Discharge of liability of current board members for the year 2022

  2. Discharge of Ivana Bucko and state of affairs about actions taken so far

  3. New membership fee structure proposal(s)

  4. Draft survey on sign language interpreters

  5. Miscellaneous

    1. New FMs candidature to be voted: T’Amilis (Italy)

    2. New SAF awarding candidatures proposal

    3. Working groups state of art

    4. Provisional list of next hosting members to be confirmed/updated

    5. Next 2023 efsli FMs’ meeting and conference in Thessaloniki (Greece)

  1. End of the AGM

The efsli board,

Genny, Siegrid, Isabelle, Androniki

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